Archives 6 月 2023


1、 当B1/B2旅游签证持有者在美国境内申请I-539续签时,需要按照以下步骤进行:




















  1. 预先知道自己会离开超过180天; 策略是申请回美证:绿卡持有者若预先知道须离开美国超过一年,那么在离境前应提前申请回美证,也常被称为“旅行证”。此类证件仅能在美国境内申请,申请人完成相应申请程序后(打完指纹),即可离境。

2. 预先没有计划超过180天但是由于各种原因超过了180天; 策略是申请回美居民签证:据美国移民法规定,若美国绿卡持有者在美国境外停留超过一年(这个一般需要告诉领事馆你在海外超期的理由,例如家庭紧急事故),在重新返回美国时需申请特殊的移民签证以恢复其永久居民的身份,称之为“回美居民身份申请”。


2023年加拿大安大略省司法厅(Ministry of the Attorney General)安大略省家庭法手册(2006年修订版)解读




这样的离婚方式,就是协议离婚,夫妻双方在分居的时候可以签署一个分居协议(separation agreements),来明确双方分居期间的权利和义务(关于孩子和财产等)。

  • 你的配偶在你结婚后与别人发生了性关系;
  • 你的配偶对你有虐待,包括精神或肉体;


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Step 1: 申请离婚。在加拿大,只有省高级法院(SCJ)才能受理离婚。而每个省和地区都有自己的一套形式。您可以通过律师、法院办公室或家庭法信息中心获得离婚申请表格。

Step 2: 确定申请离婚的理由。是无过错离婚还是有过错离婚?

  • 无过错离婚要求证明你们有1年的分居期。
  • 过错离婚包括以配偶出轨或者虐待为由提起诉讼。在这类离婚中,你必须提供证据来证实你的主张。一定要仔细研究一下“过失离婚”的原因,如果你选择了这样的离婚方式,请保留法律代表。

Step 3: 确定你的离婚是有争议的还是无争议的,并在申请中详细说明离婚的类型。

  • 无争议离婚:双方同意离婚的原因和条件。该理由的离婚只需要一次申请;
  • 争议离婚:夫妻双方对离婚的原因和/或条件不能达成一致。在这种情况下,夫妻双方都需要单独提出离婚申请。

Step 4涉及到孩子,包括养育协议、监护权等的问题时,对于有争议的离婚,夫妻双方都需要提供自己的育儿偏好。对于无争议的离婚,你只需列出双方同意的安排。

Step 5在你居住的省的法院(SCJ)递交离婚申请,每个省申请相关的费用不同。

Step 6等待渥太华离婚登记处的批准。一旦离婚文件送达你的配偶那里,他们有30天的时间来对你的离婚申请做出回应。

Step 730天后,如果你的配偶没有回复,你可以向法院提交你的离婚宣誓书(Affidavit for Divorce)、离婚令(Divorce Order)和书记官证明(Clerk’s Certificate)。

Step 8等待法院的离婚通知。法官会审查所有的材料,如果你满意了,他们会向你发出离婚令。

Step 9你可以在离婚命令被批准30天后取得离婚证明。只有到那时,你才是合法离婚的状态并有权再婚。

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5、以上费用请以汇票(MONEY ORDER)、担保支票(CERTIFIED CHEQUE)或现金支付。

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  • 个人所得税表
  • 工作证明
  • 银行流水、贷款信息等
  • 投资报表
  • 遗嘱及信托协议
  • 房产信息
  • 车辆信息


  • 结婚证书
  • 偶双方出生日期的证明
  • SIN number
  • 婚前或婚后协议
  • 填写离婚申请表
  • 离婚证词
  • 监护或探视的抚养赔偿证词
  • 财产分割申请的财务报表



  • 孩子们的最大利益;
  • 亲子关系和纽带;
  • 每个人的养育能力;
  • 父母的身心健康;
  • 父母和孩子们的日程安排;
  • 父母身边的支持(例如,祖父母或其他近亲的帮助和参与);
  • 兄弟姐妹的问题。一般来说,兄弟姐妹会呆在一起,但在某些情况下,可能有必要考虑把他们分开;
  • 孩子自己的意愿。

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  • 离异配偶是否愿意鼓励孩子和另一方保持良好关系;
  • 孩子本人的想法和选择倾向;
  • 孩子的文化和语言教育
  • 是否存在家庭暴力等。


任何暴力的,威胁性的, 包含胁迫与控制模式的,引起受害一方担忧自身安全或其他人(孩子或其他家人)安全的行为。


  • 身体虐待,例如殴打和禁止外出;
  • 性虐待,包括性侵,强迫对方看暴力色情作品或者看他人发生性关系;
  • 威胁要杀死、伤害对方或其他人,例如威胁要伤害孩子的朋友;
  • 骚扰,跟踪;
  • 不提供生活必需,例如不让一个家庭成员寻求治疗;
  • 心理虐待,例如威胁,控制,羞辱,嘲笑,引起受害一方担忧自身安全或其他人(孩子或其他家人)安全的言行;
  • 经济控制,例如不让对方碰银行账户,不准对方工作;
  • 威胁杀死、伤害宠物或破坏财物;
  • 杀死、伤害宠物或破坏财物。


在加拿大,离婚不一定要找律师,如果双方达成共识,协议离婚,那么步骤相对简单。但如果双方对于离婚或者离婚后的财产、孩子等事宜无法达成共识,那么最好咨询律师,因为很多离婚的人都有孩子、赡养费、财产等方面的问题。大威律师事务所的William Wang 就是一位多年丰富经验的婚姻家庭法律师,可以确保你的权利,孩子和财产得到充分的保护。如果您有需要,请联系他吧。

  • William Wang
  • Windor Office (Canada)
  • Phone: +1 800 811 0987
  • Address: 6-2557 Dougall Ave, Suite 320,Windsor, Ontario, N8X 1T5
  • Email:

Considerations and Procedures for H-1B Holders Returning to Their Home Country (2023 Visa Interview Process and Important Points)

Introduction: After obtaining an H-1B visa, many individuals may have plans to return to their home country. However, concerns about the impact on their H-1B visa often arise. Can H-1B visa holders travel back to their home country during the processing period? What should they be aware of when planning a trip back home?

General Considerations: In most cases, it is not advisable to travel back to your home country during the processing period of your H-1B visa. This is because there is a risk of visa denial upon re-entry. If your H-1B application is rejected and your Optional Practical Training (OPT) has already expired, you will not be able to return to the United States on an F1 status or use the H-1B visa for entry. Additionally, if you leave the United States during the H-1B application processing period, the immigration authorities may require you to activate your H-1B status by exiting and re-entering the country after the approval, which can be cumbersome.

Specific Scenarios: However, if there are compelling reasons for travel back to your home country, certain considerations apply based on different situations:

  1. H-1B Approval with Valid F-1 Visa and OPT: If you have received H-1B approval and both your F-1 visa and OPT are still valid, you can travel back to your home country using your F-1 visa. However, since you are in the Change of Status process when applying for H-1B, leaving the country during this period will be considered an automatic abandonment of the change of status. Even if you return to the United States before October 1st using your F-1 visa, your H-1B status will not automatically take effect. In this case, after your H-1B is approved, you will need to leave the United States and apply for an H-1B visa through the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country.
  2. H-1B Approval Pending and OPT Expired: It is not uncommon for individuals to receive H-1B approval notices in November or even December due to the increasingly slow processing times at immigration offices. If your OPT expires on September 30th, can you travel back to your home country and wait for the H-1B approval?

Once you return to your home country, although your F-1 visa page in your passport may still be valid, you are no longer considered a student and therefore cannot re-enter the United States on an F-1 status. Only after you receive H-1B approval and obtain an H-1B visa through the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country can you return to the United States.

  1. Valid F-1 Visa, OPT, and I-20, with H-1B Approval and Change of Status: If you receive H-1B approval before your OPT expires and need to travel back to your home country briefly before the employment start date (usually October 1st), you can re-enter the United States using your F-1 visa.

Another situation where you may need to travel back to your home country during the H-1B processing period is if you initially applied for Change of Status (COS) within the United States but your COS application was denied due to reasons such as CPT (Curricular Practical Training). In such cases, you must return to your home country for a new visa interview and entry. What should you consider when attending a visa interview in your home country?

H-1B Visa Interview Process for Return Travel:

  1. Prepare the required documents:
  • DS-160 Confirmation Page
  • Copy of I-129
  • Original I-797
  • Passport (valid for at least six months beyond the expected duration of stay)
  • One recent photograph taken within the last six months
  • Visa interview appointment confirmation
  • Visa application fee payment receipt
  • Employment verification, personal resume, and company introduction
  • Degree certificate and transcripts
  • Offer letter, pay stubs, and W-2 forms
  • Social Security Number (SSN) and Driver’s License
  1. Complete the DS-160 form: As you have already filled out the DS-160 form when applying for a student visa, there is no need to discuss it further. Print the confirmation page and bring it to the visa interview.
  2. Pay the application fee: The H-1B visa fee is $190 and must be paid in the local currency. After payment, keep the payment receipt safe as you will need to enter the receipt number when scheduling the visa interview.
  3. Schedule a visa interview: Visit the website to schedule your visa interview. Provide your passport number, visa application fee receipt number, and the 10-digit barcode number from your DS-160 form.
  4. Attend the visa interview: Bring all the required documents and proceed to the embassy or consulate for the visa interview. If everything goes smoothly, your passport will be collected, and within 3 to 6 working days, the passport containing the H-1B visa will be mailed back to your designated address. Once you receive it, you can prepare to return to the United States.

Handling Visa Application Checks: During the visa interview, it is rare for an H-1B visa to be directly denied by the consular officer. In most cases, individuals may be subjected to administrative processing, commonly known as a “check.”

If you are subject to administrative processing, you will need to prepare additional documentation. The consular officer will generally inform you of the required documents, and you must submit them within the specified time to the consulate or designated address.

In unfortunate cases where your H-1B visa application is denied after administrative processing, do not panic. You can ask your employer (note: employer cannot change) to reapply for your H-1B and provide evidence that the new application addresses the issues that led to the previous denial.

Many H-1B visa applications are rejected due to missing documents, forgotten signatures, errors in fee payment, or poor performance during the interview. Therefore, if the new application can rectify the previous mistakes, there is a good chance of approval. Since the new H-1B application is not subject to the lottery system, it can be a favorable option.

Conclusion: When planning to travel back to your home country as an H-1B visa holder, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and necessary procedures. Following the outlined considerations and guidelines will help ensure a smooth process and minimize any complications.

Additional Note: Consult an Attorney Before Departure

It is highly recommended that you consult with an immigration attorney before departing the United States as an H-1B visa holder. An attorney can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and help you navigate any legal complexities.

An immigration attorney can assist you in understanding the potential risks associated with traveling back to your home country during the H-1B visa processing period. They can also guide you on the necessary steps to take to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any complications that may arise.

By consulting an attorney, you can obtain expert guidance on:

  1. Analyzing your individual circumstances: An attorney will review your case and assess any potential risks or challenges you may face in returning to the United States after traveling to your home country.
  2. Determining the optimal timing for travel: An attorney can advise you on the best time to travel based on the progress of your H-1B visa application, ensuring that you do not jeopardize your chances of approval or encounter difficulties upon re-entry.
  3. Ensuring compliance with immigration regulations: Immigration laws and regulations can be complex and subject to change. An attorney can help you understand and comply with the latest requirements, ensuring that you adhere to all necessary procedures during your travel.
  4. Preparing necessary documentation: An attorney can assist you in gathering and organizing all the required documentation, ensuring that you have everything in order for your visa interview or any potential administrative processing.
  5. Addressing any potential issues or concerns: If you have specific concerns or anticipate any issues with your H-1B visa application, an attorney can provide guidance and solutions to mitigate those concerns effectively.

Remember, each individual’s circumstances may vary, and it is essential to seek advice from a qualified immigration attorney who can provide personalized guidance based on your unique situation. By consulting an attorney, you can navigate the H-1B visa process with confidence and peace of mind.

You may need to make an appointment with us before you leave.

Title Insurance in Ontario: Protecting Property Ownership with Confidence

When it comes to property ownership in Ontario, many individuals overlook the importance of title insurance. While considerations like moving, closing costs, home insurance, and renovations take precedence, the significance of title insurance should not be underestimated. This blog aims to shed light on why title insurance is worth considering for property owners in Ontario.

Understanding Title Insurance

Title insurance is a specialized form of insurance that provides coverage against specific risks associated with property ownership. When you purchase a property, you obtain the legal proof of ownership, known as the title. This title is registered in the government’s land registration system. Residential title insurance can be obtained through a lawyer or a title insurance company, as not all home insurance companies offer this coverage.

The Benefits of Title Insurance

Title insurance protects both commercial and residential property owners and lenders from potential losses related to property ownership or title disputes. While it does not cover physical damages or issues related to the property’s condition, it provides coverage for various title-related concerns. For example:

  1. Outstanding Debts and Taxes: Title insurance covers unpaid utilities, mortgages, taxes, or condo maintenance fees left by previous owners.
  2. Legal Claims and Liens: It protects against legal claims made by others on the property, such as property liens or construction liens resulting from unpaid contractor bills.
  3. Title Defects and Encroachments: Title insurance can assist in removing existing structures that violate zoning laws and cover the costs of resolving encroachment issues with neighboring properties.
  4. Gap Coverage: In the period between finalizing the property purchase and officially registering it with the government, title insurance fills the potential gap in coverage.

Professional legal advice should be sought when purchasing title insurance to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the coverage provided and any exclusions.

Differentiating Title Insurance from Home Insurance

It is crucial to distinguish title insurance from home insurance. While home insurance primarily covers accidental damages to the property itself, title insurance focuses on protecting against title-related risks. Title insurance provides a one-time payment that lasts as long as you own the property, while home insurance requires yearly renewals.

What Title Insurance Covers

Title insurance offers coverage for a range of title-related issues that may affect your ability to mortgage, sell, or lease the property. Some examples of what title insurance covers include:

  1. Forgery, Fraud, and Errors: Protection against forgery, fraud, typos, and minor errors in the legal description of the property.
  2. Unpaid Debts and Taxes: Coverage for outstanding utility bills, mortgages, taxes, or condo maintenance fees left by previous owners.
  3. Legal Claims and Liens: Safeguarding against claims made by others on the property, such as property liens or construction liens resulting from unpaid contractor bills.
  4. Gap Coverage: Filling the gap between the property purchase and official registration with the government.

It is important to review the specific terms and conditions of the policy to understand the coverage provided.

What Title Insurance Does Not Cover

Title insurance does not protect against damages to the property itself or issues related to poor maintenance. Some examples of what title insurance does not cover include:

  1. New Surveys or Property Inspections: Title insurance does not cover issues related to new surveys or property inspections.
  2. Zoning Bylaw Violations: It does not protect against violations resulting from home renovations or additions for which the homeowner is responsible.
  3. Environmental Hazards: Title insurance does not cover environmental hazards, such as soil contamination.
  4. Known Title Defects: Issues that were known or revealed before purchasing the property are generally not covered.

The cost of fixing these excluded issues would typically fall under the responsibility of the property owner.

Types of Title Insurance

When selecting title insurance, you can choose between two main types:

  1. Owners Title Insurance: This type protects property owners from title-related losses specified in the policy for as long as they own the property. Policy limits apply.
  2. Lenders Title Insurance: Lenders often require this type of title insurance to protect their mortgage interests in the property. The coverage is usually limited to the property’s mortgage value.

Residential and Commercial Title Insurance

Title insurance is available for both residential and commercial properties. Residential title insurance covers various property types, including new and existing homes, condos, rental units, vacant land, rural properties, and cottages. Commercial title insurance offers coverage for commercial properties, such as shopping centers, industrial lots, office buildings, warehouses, and leased commercial properties.

The Cost of Title Insurance in Ontario

The cost of title insurance in Ontario typically ranges from $200 to $500. This one-time premium is paid upfront through your lawyer and provides coverage for as long as you own the insured property.

Where to Obtain Title Insurance

To ensure a clear title and ownership claim, it is recommended to work with companies specializing in title insurance. Some reputable providers in Canada include:

  1. Stewart Title Guaranty Company
  2. TitlePLUS
  3. Chicago Title Insurance Company
  4. FCT Insurance Company Ltd

Tips for Purchasing Title Insurance

Consider the following tips when purchasing title insurance:

  1. Home Value: Ensure that your home’s replacement cost and policy coverage align with the total value of your property.
  2. Closing Date: Confirm that the policy’s effective date corresponds to the closing date of your property.
  3. Coverage Inclusions: Review the policy documents carefully to understand what is included and excluded. Seek clarification and ask questions as needed.
  4. Property Details: Verify that the property description in the documents accurately represents the property you are purchasing.


Title insurance is a valuable safeguard for property owners in Ontario. It offers protection against various title-related risks and can provide peace of mind for both owners and lenders. While it is essential to understand the coverage provided, seeking professional legal advice is crucial for making informed decisions about title insurance. With the guidance of legal professionals, property owners can ensure their interests are protected and their investments secured for the long term.






表A – 最终裁定日(FAD)

✦ EB1(杰出人才)排期为2022年2月1日,无变化;

✦ EB2(高等学位专业人才)排期为2019年6月8日,无变化;

✦ EB3(技术类专业劳工)排期为2019年4月1日,无变化;

✦ 非技术劳工排期为2015年9月1日,前进4.5个月;

✦ EB4(特殊人员)排期为2018年9月1日,无变化;

✦ EB-5(直投和区域中心),排期为2015年9月8日,无变化;

✦ EB-5预留类别(农村项目、高失业率项目、基建项目):20%,10%,2% 这三个预留签证的EB-5类别,没有排期


1. EB-5投资移民直投项目在2022年6月开始出现排期,2023年6月排期为2015年9月8日;

2. EB-5区域中心计划,中国大陆出生的申请人的排期日为2015年9月8日,优先日在此之前的投资人,签证中心会开始安排面试,移民局也会开始处理I-485的申请;

3. 由于新政为三类项目(乡村,高失业地区,基建)预留了签证配额,目前这三类预留签证类别,依旧是无排期状态。


✦ EB1(杰出人才)排期为2022年6月1日,无变化;

✦ EB2(高等学位专业人才)排期为2019年7月8日,无变化;

✦ EB3(技术类专业劳工)排期为2019年6月1日,无变化;

✦ 非技术劳工排期为2016年1月1日,前进2个月;

✦ EB4(特殊人员)排期为2018年10月1日,无变化;

✦ EB-5(直投和区域中心),排期为2016年1月1日,无变化;

✦ EB-5(预留类别:乡村,高失业率地区以及基建项目) ,无排期。




F1: 美国公民成年未婚子女

F2A: 美国居民配偶和未成年子女

F2B: 美国居民成年未婚子女

F3: 美国公民已婚子女

F4: 美国公民兄弟姐妹

✦ F1排期为2014年12月15日,无变化;

✦ F2A排期为2020年9月8日,无变化;

✦ F2B排期为2015年9月22日,无变化;

✦ F3排期为2008年12月8日,无变化;

✦ F4排期为2007年4月8日,无变化。


✦ F1排期为2017年1月1日,无变化;

✦ F2A无排期;

✦ F2B排期为2017年1月1日,无变化;

✦ F3排期为2010年2月8日,无变化;

✦ F4排期为2008年2月1日,无变化。


今天悦悦给大家推荐优先审理,免排期的EB-5投资移民!他不需任何要求, 只要投资80万美元就能申请到美国永久居留签证(绿卡)!名额有限,趁早上车!
